hope students will find this website convenient and useful to stay informed about the reading assignments, handouts, and
new developments taking place in the course. I will also be posting power point presentations, lecture notes, and review questions
for the mid-term and final exams. Students can also obtain information about the Philosophy Club, the Philosophy Honor Society and the Moravian Debate Team on this website.
Bernie Cantens is an Associate Professor and chair of the Philosophy
Department at Moravian College. His areas of specialization and competency are Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, American Pragmatism, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Latin
American Philosophy and Hispanic/Latino Issues. He was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University in 2006 and has received two
prestigious grants from the National Endowment of the Humanities (2005 and 2006). He was awarded two essay prizes by
the American Philosophical Association: The APA William James Prize (2003) and The APA Prize
in Latin American Thought (2004). He is currently the editor of the APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy.
Cantens has published articles and reviews in the following
journals: The Modern Schoolman Philosophical Quarterly; International Journal for Philosophy of Religion; American Catholic
Philosophical Quarterly; Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society; Journal of Religion, Disability and Health; Ultimate
Reality and Meaning; Latino Studies; Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association; Theological Studies;
Louvain Studies; and The Review of Metaphysics.
Cantens has two encyclopedia artcles, one on the philosophy
of religion of Francisco Suarez in The History of Western Philosophy of Religion. Volume 3 Early Modern Philosophy,
edited by Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis, and another on "Francisco de Vitoria and Bartolome de las Casas on the Rights
of the American Indians" in Blackwell Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Cantens has two new book chapters forthcoming. "Is Political Forgiveness Possible?"
will be published in Politics, Pluralism and Religion. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010, and
"Suarez's Argument for the existence of God" in Interpreting Suarez: Critical Essays, edited by Daniel
Schwartz and James South, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. He is current working on a "New Essay on Divine Hiddenness", several articles on the
ethics of abortion, and "The Influence of Hispanics/Latinos on American National identity".
Current Research - "Forgiveness
and it importance in Post-War Ethics" Journal of Religion, Disability and Health 12 (3) (2008): 251-266.
- "Why
Forgive: A Christian Response" Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association
82 (2008): 217-228.
- "Comments on Jaime Nubiola's "Charles Peirce and the
Hispanic World" APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues: Special Topic on Hispanic and American Philosophy,
Spring 2009.
- "Dewey's Pragmatism and Social-Political Philosophy: Comments on Rosa
Mayorga's "Hispanic Philosophy, American Pragmatism, and Cuba" APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues:
Special Topic on Hispanic and American Philosophy, Spring 2009.
- "On the Metaphysics of Cultural
Identity: A Darwinian Account" Latino Studies 7(2) (2009): 167-196.
- "Francisco Suárez"
The History of Western Philosophy of Religion (Volume 3) Early Modern Philosophy.
Edited by Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis. Durham: Acumen Publishing Limited, 2009, 75-87.
- "Francisco
de Vitoria and Bartolome de las Casas on the Rights of the American Indians" Blackwell Companion to Latin American
Philosophy, forthcoming.
- "Is Political Forgiveness Possible?" in Politics,
Pluralism and Religion. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Scholars Press, forthcoming.