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American Philosophers

Dr. Cantens

Assignment: Answer the following in short answers. The assignment should be two to  three pages, double spaced and 12-font.

Peirce’s Categories

1) Explain the history and importance of Categories

2) Explain Peirce’s Categories of Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness

3) What are the 7 Metaphysical Theories that can be derived from Peirce’s Categories?

3) Elaborate Peirce’s conception of Thirdness or Scholastic Realism

James’ Pragmatism’s Conception of Truth

4) Explain James’ conception of Truth as agreement. How does his conception of agreement differ from the traditional conception?

Truth and Consequences

5) What are the different theories of truths? What are some difficulties with each of these?

6) What are the three steps in the Pragmatic conception of truth? Why is it more scientific than the other conceptions of truth.

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